How to Use Concealer for Birthmarks

Birthmarks are harmless irregularities that appear on the skin shortly after birth. They vary from light hued to dark-colored moles. Although most of them are short-lived and can disappear with age, some stick around for long. If not addressed, birthmarks can not only pose discomfiture and psychological stress but also become a threat to one’s health.


Birthmarks should not be the source of one’s embarrassment. This is because there are many treatments that can help to diminish, lighten or completely fade the marks. The biggest challenge, however, is that there is no one-size-fits-all remedy that can cure everyone’s condition. The available remedies vary depending on one’s skin type. Below is a guide on how to hide or minimize the appearance of birthmarks on the skin using a concealer.



How to use a concealer for birthmarks



• Select an appropriate color corrector

The first step is to find a color-correcting concealer that can neutralize the birthmark. In the case of reddish marks, one can use a green concealer and yellow for blue and purple marks. Lavender or purple concealer is ideal for tan and brown marks. To apply the concealer, one can use a small brush or finger to dab or blend the concealer on the skin in a circular manner.

Select the right concealer

It is advisable to choose a concealer that matches one’s skin color, shade, and pigmentation. There are several types of concealers and most of them contain thick cream foundations while others have liquid products. Before applying the concealer, one should first clean and moisturize their skin. During the application, the user should not apply the concealer beyond the birthmark but stay within the lines. This helps to eliminate the creation of discolored patches around the skin. One can either use a concealer brush or finger to apply the concealer. While the two methods are practical, a foundation brush is considered more ideal because it doesn’t leave much concealer like using a finger and is beneficial for light application.

Hiding large and deeply pigmented birthmarks can be a challenge. Such birthmarks can be noticeable even after applying the concealer. In such a case, one can apply an additional layer of powder and concealer until the marks are totally hidden.

• Contour the skin

After the application of the concealer, port wines and hemangiomas may appear even after matching the colors. To correct this, one can create an illusion of a flat skin by dabbing the skin with a dark or light concealer on raised and recessed parts respectively. In case of perfect application, the birthmarks may appear more pronounced than other skin parts especially if it’s on the face.


How to choose the right concealer for birthmarks?


Finding the right concealer shade that matches one’s skin type is quite essential. The concealer to pick depends on one’s skin color, the location of the birthmark and what one is trying to hide. When choosing a concealer, it is not advisable to match the under-eye concealer with one’s skin. Matching an under-eye concealer with skin color won’t result in a natural-looking skin tone.

For under-eye concealers, it is advisable to select a shade that is two times lighter than one’s skin. For instance, if one has to choose from two products that are one and three times lighter than their skin, then it is recommended to pick the one that is closer to their skin tone. The best way to test is to cover them up on the veins on the wrist. If it successfully hides the veins then it will automatically look great under the eyes.

Those with dry skin can use liquid concealers. They are also excellent when it comes to facial coverage. Liquid concealers are easy to apply. One can use a sponge or finger to dab it on the face. Before applying liquid concealer, one can begin with a foundation.

Cream concealers are still very popular. They are easy to apply and blend uniformly thus providing great consistency. A dime-size portion is just sufficient and just like liquid concealers, it should start with a foundation. Cream concealers are ideal for dark circles that appear under the eyes.

The common mistake that most people do is to match the concealer with their skin. If one is covering red spots and pimples, then it will make sense to go for a product that matches the color of the skin.


Should the foundation be lighter than the concealer?


The other factor to keep in mind is the foundation color to choose i.e. should the foundation color be lighter than the concealer? The foundation covers blemishes and also evens out skin complexion. It provides an even surface where one can apply the concealer makeup. Using the wrong foundation can make the skin appear unnatural. To choose the right foundation, one has to understand their undertone.

The skin can change color based on various things like exposure to environmental elements or acne, but the undertone remains the same. There are three types of undertones and everyone falls into cool, warm or neutral undertone. Cool undertone implies the skin is red, blue or pink. Warm is the undertone for golden, peach or yellow skin while neutral is for skins that have a combination of both warm and cool colors.

For those with oily skin, a matte finish, powder or oil-free foundation would be ideal. Sticky or creamy hydrating cream foundation is great for those with dry skin. Individuals with sensitive skin can use scent-free or hypoallergenic foundation. Powder foundation is good for those with average or combination skins.

In the case of uneven complexion, it would be ideal to select a foundation with either full or medium coverage. Overall, the concealer to use should not be more than two shades lighter compared to the foundation that one plans to use. Proper blending can help to prevent it from standing out and becoming more noticeable.


Tips on using various types of birthmark concealers



With the right concealer, one can hide flaws and marks for an even skin tone. As mentioned earlier, there are several types of concealers to choose when covering up birthmarks which range from green, yellow to purple, lavender, and white.


Using colored concealers

The advantage of colored concealers is that they offer benefits that most skin tone concealers cannot. Green is ideal for covering up redness while yellow works well on dark and bluish spots. When using colored concealers, one should first experiment to find out if they are suitable in covering up the flaws rather than making them more noticeable.


Using white concealers


White concealers are ideal for use to eliminate dark circles under the eyes. While there are several types of concealers to choose including lavender, purple and green, white is the standard and can be used on various skin shades.

The procedure for applying the concealer is quite simple.
To use it one should:
• Wash hands to avoid transferring oils to the face.
• moisturize the skin to make the concealer stick to the skin
• Apply the concealer by dabbing it with the finger. For troubled spots, one can apply the concealer thinly to hide the blemishes.
A makeup wedge can be used to blend the concealer edges to match the skin tone. If blended well, the concealer can be hard to notice particularly if a foundation is not used. One can apply the concealer in layers to make it more effective. A white concealer can stand out if used without makeup that matches one’s skin color. The advantage of using a white concealer is that it hides both wrinkles and blemishes. It can also help in case one is battling with fine lines.


How to make the concealer makeup more effective


To make the concealer makeup more effective, one can consider using loose powder and highlighter.


Use loose powder

Powder helps to set up the makeup by ensuring it doesn’t go anywhere. Users are advised to emphasize more on loose powder and not just any powder. Unlike pressed powder, the loose powder doesn’t make the concealer makeup easy to wipe away. Besides, it is easier to work with and won’t disturb the concealer applied.


Highlighter can help to cover up the spots
Even after applying the concealer makeup, there are spots that will still appear around the birthmarks. These spots often draw attention and make the spots stand out. A highlighter can help hide such spots. When applying highlighter, it should not be a random application. It works best when applied at the top of cheekbones and brow bones.


What of stubborn birthmarks?


Not all birthmarks are the same. Some can be covered using regular makeup while others still appear clear and large even after covering them. Such birthmarks require the use of a camouflaging makeup that is specifically formulated for that purpose.




While birthmarks are harmless and painless, they can make one feel very uncomfortable in public. Concealers can help remedy birthmarks that don’t fade away. They range from light to heavy, and vary in coverage and shades. Regardless of the type that one chooses, it should match their skin complexion, tone, and type. This helps to eliminate any other imperfections like under-eye circles, fine lines, pimples, spider veins and wrinkles among others.
Also why not check out my top five favourite concealers that i have, and still use for my birthmark.