During the summer when everyone is hitting the beach and hanging out at pool parties, you may be thinking “what about my pale legs and arms” crazy the things that pop into our minds but you know what I mean.
All the options that come to mind are:

I could look into getting a spray tan done, or look into some organic self-tanning lotion.

Then there is always the electric sunbeds but with my track record, trying to get a tan even on the beach over the years has always been a problem for me.

I’ve tried using all the sun creams and building up slowly, but I just never seem to get anywhere. I am just one of those people that never seem to tan and always burn, it’s a nightmare; I know you know what I’m talking about right?

But I do crave the beautiful tanning glow you get from a nice tan, especially with the nice warm summer evenings out on the town to show it off.
So with all the looking around online and the different options I decided to give the self-tanning lotion a go.

My experience so far with organic self-tanning lotion was straight up, unbelievable I can’t believe I never tried this before, it’s just crazy good.
If you are reading this and looking for an option like I was, then I can’t recommend it enough.
One of the best things is, you don’t have to wait for that tan, because it’s pretty much instant tan, now who doesn’t want an instant tan?

What are the Benefits of self-tanning organic lotion?

• No nasty chemicals
• Does not damage your skin
• Has not been tested on animals
• Don’t have to wait years for a tan

Why use chemical free tanning lotion?

If you go for organic chemical free self-tanning lotion, you will pay more but I would say to anyone applying this stuff to their skin on a regular basis, to have to look at what chemicals some company’s put in their tanning lotions.
Some I can’t even pronounce let alone know what effects they have on the human body. So I myself would rather pay a little more for the peace of mind to know all the ingredients are organic and natural.

Is organic self-tanner safe for pregnancy?

Good news for pregnant women when using self-tan lotion you won’t have any problems at all because all the ingredients that go into the self-tan lotion are natural, organic and harmless.
This is because the lotion sits on the surface of the skin, and does not absorb into your system. So that’s great news for you girls that are pregnant and would like to keep your tan you just go right ahead.



Self-tanning tips


One of the first tips I could give and you and you will hear this every were, is prepping your skin first should be your number one priority.

I mean really prepping the skin like the day before. You need to really scrub any dry skin areas and do all your shaving the day before to give you that silky smooth finish that is truly needed for the best self-tanning finish, prep work really is the key here.

But please note some people will prep the same day and that’s fine, I just feel I get a better finish prepping a day before.

One of the best tanning tips for pale skin I could give someone is build up slowly, start off trying to use a lighter tan color first.

Then once you have the process down, then you can go for a darker tan color if you wish.

By doing this and starting out with a lighter tan color, it helps because with pale skin any mistakes when applying can show up a lot less, than say medium to darker tan color.






exfoliating before self-tanning

Exfoliating before self-tanning is a must. When self-tanning you should always shave and exfoliate a day before you apply yourself tanning lotion.
a good way to do this would be in the shower.



You can use a scrub or one cost-effective way is using sugar and lemon juice mixed together which is ideal for exfoliating your skin. Before self-tanning try to make sure you work your scrub into the dry patches like elbows knees feet because otherwise, the self-tanning lotion can end up soaking into the dry areas which can create uneven darker patches in the tan.
This is just a brief summary of exfoliating before self-tanning. We have a more in-depth guide on exfoliating here in our easy to follow tanning routine.



I will say I tried a lot of different brands to start off with, and these are the ones I tried and really liked.

I tend to use a more subtle one more for day to day and especially in the colder months. I would tend to use the darker tan in the summer, when wearing my bikini or if on a summer evening out.

These are my four favs we are going to take a look at:





Beauty on earth self-tanner




The Beauty on earth self-tanner is an amazing product all natural ingredient without any nasty’s, here are some of the pros and cons of this product.



All natural no chemicals
Very moisturizing and skin hydrating
Smells nice a has a more muted typical tanning smell
A minimal staining
Has a nice light tan look golden glow

Take a little longer time to absorb to some self-tanners
Take a couple of hours for the color to come through

I like this Organic self-tanning lotion a lot, it’s defiantly my favorite in my list.

It has a light golden tan glow that for me is idea being how pale I am.
So it’s not too full on which is great to give that natural look. I found no staining from the tan on my sheets,

which was good as that, was a concern. This is definitely a great choice for anyone with pale skin, looking for the natural golden glow tan look.




Golden Star beauty self-Tanner



This is the second self-Tanner I’m going to talk about
First of all, this self-tanner is all organic and natural ingredients.

I tried out this self-tanning lotion and really liked it.

It’s also good for anyone that suffers from acne and is specifically designed for the face in mind.

Also what I like about it, is that natural sun kiss look that it gives.
I would put this on the more medium tan shade compared to the others in my list


natural and organic ingredients
die free
doesn’t smell
vitamin B5
hyaluronic acid
certified organic primrose oil
intense moisturizers
does not streak


Can take a little longer to dry I followed a review of someone who would leave soaking in overnight in there pj’s.

Then rinsed off in the morning, I tried this method and found that work really well for me as well.


Overall I would say this self-tanning lotion is good for anyone that has any kind of acne issues and, or is looking for a light to medium tan that is organic and natural.




Sun Labs self-tanning lotion



Ok so this was the third one in my list of and I still use this one if I’m looking for a lot darker tan when on vacation or we are in for some really hot weather.

Again this one is organic and natural and does not have any horrible ingredients.


Fast drying
Natural Sunkist look
Organic natural ingredients
Not tested on animals

As it dry’s fast you will have to work fast when applying this lotion

So if you’re looking for an organic natural fast drying self-tanning lotion with that extra dark tan, this could be the one for you. I really like the fast drying with this one and do use it on occasions when I go away or if we are getting lots of hot weather.





Tan ceuticals Self Tanner




This is my fourth one I thought I would add and is my new self-tanning lotions that I have been trying out recently I’ve added to the list because I’ve been getting some good results.

This Self-tanning lotion it’s more of a medium shade tan


Dries fast
All organic ingredients
Smells good like coconuts
Spreads easy

I have not had this myself, but some have reported getting a runny batch. I have looked into this and it seems the manufacturer said this was down to a bad batch so I wouldn’t be put off by this.

The manufacturer did helps rectify the problem that those people were having.


Overall a great self-tanning lotion for a medium shade and a good all-rounder being it also drys fast and spreads easy.